Chargepoint 技术公司是密闭阀门市场引领者之一,公司研制的密闭阀门广泛应用于制药、食品等行业的物料分装设备。公司始终秉承通过提供优质、可靠的产品,配以完善的客户服务,从而创作出忠实的客户群。作为分体式蝶阀的行业先锋我们以咨询的方式提供优秀的技术方案、使客户降低生产成本同时提高产量,稳定产能,灵活生产方式。2010年chargepoint 携手奥星集团,奥星成为chargepoint分体式蝶阀在中国的独家代理。
ChargePoint Technology are market leaders in the supply of containment valves and integrated material handling equipment for the Pharmaceutical, Chemical, Food and other process based industries. Our most important goals are to create lasting partnerships by providing high quality and reliable products, coupled with outstanding customer service. As a pioneer of split valve technology our consultative approach will provide the right technological solution, as well as delivering the lowest cost of ownership benefits by maximizing yield, reliability productivity and flexibility.